
EU Law in Times of Pandemic
The EU's Legal Response to Covid-19
60.00 EUR
Publisher: EU Law Live Press
Published: 28/06/2021
Language: English
ISBN: 978-84-123589-0-2
Item Weight: 1,04 kg
Dimensions: 25 x 18 x 3,5 cm
Format: Hardback
Extent: 436 pgs
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented legal challenges to the EU institutions and to the EU Member States. On the firstanniversary of the pandemic, the European legal space is immersed in a process of profound reflection and envisaging a redesign of some of its core features, reaching from fundamental principles and values such as the rule of law or solidarity, to sector specific-elements related to the Economic and Monetary Union, health and risk regulation, and State aid control.
This book looks at the EU’s legal response to the pandemic across a wide spectrum of areas of law. Structured into 35 chapters written by leading legal experts from the EU institutional and academic landscape, it offers a narrative of the evolution, scope, and spirit of the EU’s approach to a crisis like no other in the history of European integration. It thus provides for a comprehensive overview of the legal dimension of the COVID-19 crisis in the unique supranational arena of the EU that can be of interest to policy-makers, practitioners, and academics in Europe and beyond.
Dolores Utrilla is an Associate Professor of Public Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. She collaborates with EU Law Live as an external Assistant Editor. Previously, she served as a Legal Advisor at the Spanish Ministry of the Presidency (2018-2020), and she conducted research stays in Germany (University of Hamburg, 2010-2011), the United States (University of Georgetown, 2016), and Luxembourg (University of Luxembourg, 2017). She is a member of the Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL) and of the Transnational Administrative Law Network. Her main fields of expertise are (EU) Administrative Law, Public Econo-mic Law, Human Rights Law, and Multilevel constitutionalism.
Anjum Shabbir is an Assistant Editor at EU Law Live. She previously worked at an international law firm in Madrid (2019), the Court of Justice of the European Union (2016-2019), law firms in London (2014-2016), legal NGOs (2012-2013), and as a Lecturer of Law at the University of Maastricht (2010-2012). For five years she worked concurrently as an Associate and Legal Language Editor at the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (2011-2016). She has worked in and studied a wide range of EU and UK law including data protection law, intellectual property law, environmental law, tax law, competition law, employment law, extradition law, immigration law, public law and human rights law.
The book includes contributions from Andrea Baldini, Borja Barragué, Silvia Bartolini, Andrea Biondi, Enrico Bonadio, Enza Cirone, Karl Croonenborghs, Bruno Dias Pinheiro, Aleksejs Dimitrovs, Alessandra Donati, Christina Etteldorf, Diane Fromage, Jörg Gerkrath, Christos V. Gortsos, Alberto de Gregorio Merino, Giovanni De Gregorio, José Igreja Matos, Michal Kianička, Niels Kirst, David Krappitz, Guillermo Kreiman, Joana Mendes, John Morijn, Ulla Neergaard, Peter Oliver, Juan Jorge Piernas López, Oreste Pollicino, René Repasi, Stéphane de la Rosa, Anniek de Ruijter, Daniel Sarmiento, Anjum Shabbir, René Smits, Armin Steinbach, Daniel Thym, Dolores Utrilla, Sybe de Vries, Maria Weimer and Karl-Philipp Wojcik.
INTRODUCTION COVID-19: Making the Best Out of Europe
EU Law Live Editorial Board
CHAPTER 1. EU Institutional Law in Times of Pandemic: An Overview of Ongoing Transformations and Challenges
Dolores Utrilla
CHAPTER 2. The Next Generation EU - Are We Having a Hamiltonian Moment?
Armin Steinbach
CHAPTER 3. The Recovery Plan: Solidarity and the Living Constitution
Alberto de Gregorio Merino
CHAPTER 4. Rule of Law Conditionality in the Post-Pandemic EU Budget
John Morijn and Aleksejs Dimitrovs
CHAPTER 5. The European Instrument for Temporary Support to Mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) - an Innovative (Social) Approach to EU Financial Assistance Under the Treaty
Karl Croonenborghs
CHAPTER 6. A Dwarf in Size, but a Giant in Shifting a Paradigm - the European Instrument for Temporary Support to Mitigate Unemployment Risks (SURE)
René Repasi
CHAPTER 7. “Whatever is Necessary... Will be Done”: Time for a Less One-Sided View on Solidarity in Europe in the Shadow of COVID-19
Ulla Neergard and Sybe de Vries
CHAPTER 8. Distributing the Cake in Times of Pandemic: Weighing the Pros and Cons of the Universal Basic Income Proposal
Borja Barragué and Guillermo Kreiman
CHAPTER 9. EU Executive Discretion: Again, in Times of Emergency
Joana Mendes
CHAPTER 10. Parliamentary Oversight of the EU Economic Recovery Plan - Lessons Learned, and Which Way Forward?
Bruno Dias Pinheiro and Diane Fromage
CHAPTER 11. How the Pandemic Led to Wide-Scale Threats to Fundamental Rights in the EU: an Overview
Anjum Shabbir
CHAPTER 12. Operationalising the Treaties to Protect Democracy in Times of Emergency
David Krappitz and Niels Kirst
CHAPTER 13. The Migration and Asylum Crisis in Times of Pandemic
Silvia Bartolini
CHAPTER 14. Effectiveness Versus Integrity - How COVID-19 is Affecting Privacy
Christina Etteldorf
CHAPTER 15. Fighting COVID-19 and Protecting Privacy Under EU Law: a Proposal Looking at the Roots of European Constitutionalism
Oreste Pollicino and Giovanni De Gregorio
CHAPTER 16. Misinformation about COVID-19: Is the European Union Well Equipped to Fight the ‘Infodemic’?
Enza Cirone
CHAPTER 17. The EU as a Health and Risk Regulator in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic - Challenges and Transformations
Dolores Utrilla
CHAPTER 18. The COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from Risk Regulation for EU Leaders
Anniek de Ruijter and Maria Weimer
CHAPTER 19. The Coronavirus Crisis in Europe: is this the time for the Precautionary Principle?
Alessandra Donati
CHAPTER 20. Compulsory Vaccination and European Law: Balancing Opposing Principles
Dolores Utrilla
CHAPTER 21. On the Ethical Foundation of Proprietary Rights: COVID-19, Public Health, and the Limits of Patents in the European Context
Enrico Bonadio and Andrea Baldini
CHAPTER 22. The European Central Bank’s Pandemic Bazooka: Mandate Fulfilment in Extraordinary Times
René Smits
CHAPTER 23. The EU’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Field of EU Banking Regulation
Karl-Philipp Wojcik
CHAPTER 24. Threats to EU Financial Stability Amidst the Pandemic Crisis
Christos V. Gortsos
CHAPTER 25. How the Pandemic Rocked the EU’s Internal Market: an Overview
Anjum Shabbir
CHAPTER 26. The Unexpected Resurgence of the Schengen Area
Daniel Thym
CHAPTER 27. The Reintroduction of Internal EU Border Controls: a Disproportionate, Ineffective and Illegal Instrument to Combat the Pandemic
Jörg Gerkrath
CHAPTER 28. COVID-19 and the Free Movement of Goods: Reaching for the Placebo of Protectionism
Peter Oliver
CHAPTER 29. The COVID-19 Crisis: the EU Public Procurement Legal Framework at a Crossroads
Stéphane de la Rosa
CHAPTER 30. Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis in the Area of Competition and State Aid Law: an Overview
Juan Jorge Piernas and Dolores Utrilla
CHAPTER 31. State Aid in Times of Pandemic: Lessons from Recent Crises
Juan Jorge Piernas
CHAPTER 32. State Aid Control and COVID-19: a Map to the Temporary Framework
Andrea Biondi
CHAPTER 33. COVID-19 and the Union’s Courts: Struck by Lightning
Daniel Sarmiento
CHAPTER 34. Being a Judge in Times of Pandemic Crisis
José Igreja Matos
CHAPTER 35. Hearings 1.1: Remote Appearances Before the Court of Justice
Michal Kianička